Are Islam and the "Nation of Islam" the Same Religion?
Are Islam and the "Nation of Islam" the Same Religion?
Islam and the Nation “of Islam” are two different religions. Islam is a religion for all races and enjoins the worship of the One Unseen God who never took human form. On the other hand “the Nation” is a movement geared towards non-whites that teaches God appeared as a man named Fard Muhammad and that Elijah Muhammad was a prophet. According to orthodox Islam these are blasphemous beliefs that contradict the basic theology defined throughout the Qur’an and other authentic texts. The followers of “the Nation” adhere to some Islamic principles that are mixed with other practices and beliefs completely alien to authentic Islamic teachings. To better understand the differences read about Malcolm X, his pilgrimage to Mecca and his later comments to the media. Islam teaches equality amongst the races (Qur’an 49:13).